Level 2 Lesson 2
What Exactly is Reiki

What exactly is Reiki II
In Japanese Reiki II called "Oku Den" means a more thorough exploration of the self - or deeper knowledge.
Reiki II has a particularly strong effect on the etheric body (chakra), and your intuition, and allows you to easily open up for the deeper meaning of the messages you receive and your power to heal is strengthened greatly.
The 21-day-long purification process of Reiki I is also in Reiki II. It thus takes Reiki-power three days to purify each chakra causing the entire process to take 21 days. Do not forget to give yourself Reiki during these days and to keep a diary of what is happening, and you should have been sent an e-mail from your Teacher that you should start with one already from day one of your studies of Level Two Reiki.
In this course we will, among other things, learn to send healing power on a distance, also known as distance healing. This means that we transfer light energy to a receiver located elsewhere.
In Reiki II, there is still an Attunement which significantly strengthens your healing powers, giving an increased Reiki flow. Continue to provide treatments and listen to your intuition.
You will also receive new Reiki symbols and corresponding mantras. They enhance your energy and produce a higher light vibration within you. These are the same symbols that were seen by Dr Usui and they are only intended for those initiated in the second degree, and above.
Using these symbols entails a great responsibility. Reiki symbols are sacred. It was part of the tradition of Reiki that they should be kept a secret. Since you can now find them on the Internet and in published books and magazine articles, you cannot call them secret any longer. We who teach Reiki still believe that it is appropriate to keep them of private spiritual grounds. That does mean that you cannot decorate anything with them. The clearer they are reserved for some particular area or task, and the more we treat them with respect, the more effective they are in the context of conscious energy work with Reiki.
They are available only to those who have taken Reiki II and above and have been initiated (it is the actual the Attunement that gives the symbols their power). Despite this, the shape and purpose of the symbols discussed is without violating tradition.
Reiki symbols are superior by nature. Instead of just affecting the subconscious mind the way many other symbols do, the Reiki symbols are tied directly to the higher consciousness. When a symbol is used by someone who has taken Reiki II and above, it’s responding to the higher consciousness or Rei by changing how Reiki energy works. An individual need not be in a different spiritual state for the symbols to work, they work automatically every time they are used.
Reiki symbols are like keys that open the door to a higher consciousness. One can also think of them as buttons. When you press a key, you automatically get the results you expect. They also act as affirmations that reinforce the energy frequency that is working in a particular area. The symbols are more powerful and accurate the more often you use them and charge them with intention and energy.

Distant Reiki
Reiki I, is the basic energy that you have in your hands. It turns on when Reiki is needed. Reiki II is the next step or level. The energy is about four times more powerful and is "turned on" by a distance symbol, and possibly two reinforcement symbols. Attunement into Reiki II means that the Reiki-channel widens, allowing more heat into the hands during treatment. The Master will also receive a higher vibration level, which gives a similar cleansing process to step one.
Reiki II also means that Reiki can be sent remotely. The door to a channel between the Healer and the recipient opens and the receiver draws precisely the amount of Reiki energy which the recipient needs through the channel. Masters may often send an attunement as Distance Reiki. 
As in all Reiki the Master cannot control the effect Reiki has. The body has always self-will with a list of priorities; this is where the Reiki energy will always go. Sometimes we feel as if we are getting no results from the Reiki sessions. We can compare this to the detergent when we put the dishes in the water. Soaking makes the washing-up easy and scrub-free when we let the dirt dissolve a while.
After some seemingly "useless" Reiki-treatments, we can suddenly get miraculous results. Or backwards, major changes are in the first treatment, and then the following does not seem to have much effect. Whatever our view, it always seems that Reiki works in the best way for us at this time.
